
Read data from a neat flow.

Should only be called from within the on_readable callback specified with neat_set_operations.

neat_error_code neat_read(struct neat_ctx *ctx,
                          struct neat_flow *flow,
                          unsigned char *buffer,
                          uint32_t amount,
                          uint32_t *actual_amount,
                          struct neat_tlv optional[],
                          unsigned int opt_count);


  • ctx: Pointer to a NEAT context.
  • flow: Pointer to a NEAT flow.
  • buffer: Pointer to a buffer where read data may be stored.
  • amount: The size of the buffer pointed to by buffer.
  • actual_amount: The amount of data actually read from the transport layer.
  • optional: An array containing optional parameters.
  • opt_count: The length of the array containing optional parameters.

Optional parameters

This function uses optional parameters for some return values.

  • NEAT_TAG_STREAM_ID (integer): The ID of the stream will be written to this parameter.

Return values

  • Returns NEAT_OK if data was successfully read from the transport layer.
  • Returns NEAT_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK if this call would block.
  • Returns NEAT_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG if the buffer is not sufficiently large. This is only returned for protocols that are message based, such as UDP, UDP-Lite and SCTP.
  • Returns NEAT_ERROR_IO if the connection is reset.


This function should only be called from within the on_readable callback specified with neat_set_operations, as this is the only way to guarantee that the call will not block. NEAT does not permit a blocking read operation.

The actual_amount value is set to 0 when the remote side has closed the connection.

